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Bristol-Myers Squibb Company (BMY) DRIP

DRIP Plan Highlights




Initial Purchase










Minimum purchase



Maximum purchase











Account Setup Fee



Automatic Invesment Fee



Optional Cash Purchase



Reinvestment Fee



Sale Fee








Company Web Site

Additional Plan Information

Agent Site

Bristol Myers Squibb Company DRIP Details:
Bristol-Myers Squibb Company is a biopharmaceutical company based in New York. The Bristol Myers Squibb Direct Stock Investment Plan offers a mediocre holding vehicle for your Bristol-Myers Squibb investment with account setup fees, and investment fees, but offers no dividend reinvestment fee for accounts with less than 100 shares. For small investors who will make regular small investments the Bristol Myers Squibb will likely be your lowest cost holding vehicle. For larger investments (over 100 shares) a low cost brokerage such as Sharebuilder would likely be your lowest cost holding vehicle for your BMY investment.

No dividend reinvestment fee for accounts with < 100 shares
Below average investment fees

Dividend reinvestment fee 5% up to $3 for account with > 100 shares
Account setup fee
Above average sales fee